
The Australasian Region is governed by a council comprising the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer, Social Media Coordinator and Public Officer of the region, as well as the website manager, regional newsletter correspondent, and regional representatives to IBS. We currently have one member on the IBS Executive Board and three on Council, as seen below.

A President-elect shall be chosen by ballot at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) falling in the middle of the term of the current President. The President-Elect shall assume the office of Vice-President at the end of the AGM at which they are elected, and the office of President at the end of the next AGM, when the outgoing President becomes Vice-President as the immediate Past-President. That is, the Vice-President alternates between Past-President and President-Elect each year.

Nominations for each vacant position are called for by the Secretary towards the end of the calendar year. If more than one nomination is received for a particular position, then members are required to vote for a preferred candidate for the position at the annual general meeting (AGM). Otherwise, no formal election is necessary.

Current council members

The regional council currently comprises the following people:

Name Affiliation Position Term
James Curran University of Auckland President 2023 - 2024
Alison Kelly University of Queensland Vice President 2024
David Baird VSN, Christchurch Secretary 2016 - 2024
Ian Renner University of Newcastle Treasurer 2020 - 2024
Sam Rogers University of Adelaide Membership Officer 2020 - 2024
Emi Tanaka Australian National University Social Media Officer 2018 - 2024
Warren Muller CSIRO, Canberra Public Officer 2020 - 2024
Garth Tarr University of Sydney Biometric Bulletin correspondent 2022 - 2024
Hans Hockey Biometrics Matters Ltd, Hamilton Regional website manager 2009 - 2024
Chris Triggs University of Auckland IBS Executive Board 2021 - 2024
Ross Darnell CSIRO, Brisbane IBS Council Member 2019 - 2024
Samuel Muller Macquarie University IBS Council Member 2020 - 2025
Kevin Murray University of Western Australia IBS Council Member 2017 - 2025

Emi, Ian and Vanessa are the current safety officers referred to in the regional code of conduct document.

Past council members

Note: this is not the complete record, it has been recreated from historical regional newsletters.